Saturday, March 20, 2010


Yeah as you can see I dusted this thing off and decided to do some decorating around here. Yeaaaah this is more me.

Any way....

This time change has really thrown me off. I find that I cannot go to sleep at night and have the hardest time getting up in the morning. Right now it feels like my body will never get used to the change. Don't get me wrong I love the extra hour of day light but damn I hate what it is doing to my body clock.

With each passing day I promise myself that I will come in here and blog, however I have been so busy that I never get to it. Ehhhh what can I say? Life is like that some times. Work has been insanely busy with my having to split my time between working out of my office in PG and chucking up to Aberdeen twice a week to train some one. It is nice to get out of the office twice a week but after a while the drive and interruption in the progress of my work kind of gets on my nerves. Though the mileage and toll reimbursement is nice to have in my check...who am I kidding? This shit has gotten old and I am ready to stay stationary.

At this moment I am trying to decide on an area to set roots in. In looking for a nice place to move to (trying to move within the next few months) I have run into a little dilemma; quality housing vs. location. In my search for the perfect home I have found that there are a lot of foreclosed homes that were bought, gutted out and completely remodeled. These home are inexpensive and gorgeous BUT they are located in the not so desirable areas of Baltimore and Anne Arundel County. Or, I have found nice homes that are so far out, I would have to request to work out of the office closet to it just to live. Its like I literally have to choose; live closer in, pay more and be broke OR live in a nice house and be concerned about making it from the car to the front door with out being assaulted or worse. Ok, so maybe I was exaggerating a little in that last statement but you all know where I am coming from.

I suppose I will figure it all out considering I do have a few months to research neighborhoods and look at different places. I really hate moving. There is nothing fun or desirable about any part of the moving process; precisely being the reason why I will staying a few years where ever I land.

Ok, I think i have more than satisfied my blog requirement. Now I did not divulge all that is going on but it will play out on this here blog as things begin to unfold and develop. *evil laughter*