I'm blogging via iPhone's Blogger app so excuse any unusual formatting or typos.
Anyway, my life has gotten excitingly hectic over the last few months and I feel as though I am coming to the point where I need to ground myself, set some realistic deadlines and just pace myself in terms of making things happen.
I have always wanted to start a business but I wanted the business to be something that I was passionate about. When I discovered the wonderful world of running my Facebook inbox exploded, phone blew up with calls and text messages because I lost a large majority of weight via the running. Amongst all the questions people had for me and statements that were made they always said, I want to but I can't because of XYZ. I'm a firm believer in the following; anyone can do anything they put their mind to, there is more than one way to skin a cat and anyone can fit some form of fitness into their life, just remember to keep moving. Yes, that is right keep moving whether it's starting off walking a mile, riding a bike taking a class or swinging on a pole; don't stop moving. <~~~~ See what I'm talking about? I can't turn it off.
Through my encouragement of others I came up with my company name in conversation with my sorority sister, which moved me to start a blog called Running Is...www.runningis.com. At the time I started the blog I figured it would be a one stop shop for people to get the answers to all their questions and to keep up with my personal progress, trials and achievements as I continue to lose weight and master the wonderful sport of running. I fell so deep into motivating and inspiring people that the concept of Running Is.. began to grow and now I'm working on selling performance athletic apparel that will inspire and motivate people to get up, get out, get moving and keep moving. I'm so excited and thankful that God has opened up so many doors for me to get this company going that in some ways I can't believe it is happening. None the less I'm embracing it and walking in my purpose.
Moving right along. I have gotten to the point where I hate my job. My stomach turns when I pull up in the parking lot type hate. So I am studying to get my PHR Certification so I can land another job, closer to home or working from home that pays more money. That should sustain me aka pay the bills for a few years while I continue to build my business and my brand so I can run the business full time at some point. I've taken away a few things from my current situation such as, I don't want to work for anyone else other than myself. If I'm going to be underpaid and held back growth, title and money wise then it mine as well be on my own terms and not anyone else's. Never entrust the course of my career and career endeavors to anyone else, always empower myself to make a way to the goal position I want to be in and not the position someone wants to put me in...that is all I have but I'm holding onto these lessons none the less. I have already brought all my stuff home from work that was on my desk because when the day comes for me to resign I don't want to have to worry about having to pack anything up and take it with me, I can just leave.
Though I have two 5K races coming up and a possible 10k I'm currently training to fun my first half marathon in December. I'm not going to lie training is beginning to kick my butt, however I am going to press through it and get it done.
So you see I need to refocus and pace myself because I have all of the above on top of my duties as a mother, main household provider and attempting to put myself out there to meet some one and date. Phew I'm tired. Could explain why I have been sleeping good every night.
Anyway, check out the blog www.runningis.com, "Like" Running Is on Facebook, follow me on Twitter @RunningIs1 and why is the song She Ratchet rolling in my head???LOL! Let me go to bed. Night all and be blessed.
Miss. Lady