Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This morning as I was rushing out of the door I had grabbed a note off of my car. I assumed the note came from the trash men who by now I thought would probably be tired of me parking my truck in front of the mail box, thus preventing them from pulling the trash truck up to the front of the house therefore requiring them to actually walk over and bring the trash to the truck.

When I opened the note I realized the it had my name on it and I figured that someone who knew me had to of written it and put it on my car. As I read the note I realized that El, my recent ex had left me a note of apology for all that has happened between us and expressing how much he loves me along with a request to contact him so I could meet his daughter. *blank stare*

I am not sure if I am being mean or hormonal but everyone (my girlfriend and mentor) feel as though it was cute and gave him an "A" for the effort he put into it. Granted he took a risk leaving a note on my car because if my little sister would have caught him then that would have been his azz for real. LOL! Not to say that I don't think it was cute, sweet or highly persistent but I have no real feeling about it one way or another. I suppose my focus is on other things right now like getting together the money I need to move, quoting mover, packing and actually moving. So yeah my mind is not in it...

Gosh, just when I thought I have heard the last from him he pops back up again. Ok, I'm out you Folks have a blessed day!

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