Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Riddle For You??

How many times does a man (one you want to leave you alone) have to leave a note on your car before he is considered a stalker??

Yes, my people this fool left another note on my car just when I thought it was really over. I figured that if I did not respond to the first note then he would let it be and leave me alone. I was taken a back when a family friend walked into my home and handed me a note saying this was on your car. When I read it I felt myself getting irritated all over again by this. I mean I just don't understand his rationale. Why are you going to introduce me to your daughter and I want to have nothing to do with you? We are not together, have not been together for well over a month now and there is no way we will be together in the foreseeable future. I mean damn I made it so he thought I changed my number, I ignored all his emails and he still persists.

Well, my girlfriend suggested I call him and tell him to stop contacting me before I take it to the authorities. I called him from a blocked number and told him to stop leaving notes on my car. He said, "ok. That's it?" and I said, "Yes. Leave me alone." he then tried to down play everything down by saying all he wanted for me to do was meet his daughter. I then reminded him that I do not want to have any contact with him and I want him to leave me alone. He then asked me, why? Why?!? Is he serious? Asking me why? It could be for any reason I damn well please from his childish behavior, to his whining about being broke to his trifling ass momma but I don't have to give him a reason. All he needs to know is that I want him to leave me alone.

Folks let's just say a prayer that he takes heed and leaves me alone.


  1. left a note on your car? the 1st note would have been enough...

    And you need more than prayer you need to file some papers -- this is not a safe situation at all

  2. Thanks Crys! I realized he was not a stalker he was a pest. LOL!

    There is a difference between a stalker and a pest. A pest is afraid of the threat of police intervention, a stalker is crazed and doe snot give a damn about no police. I told him if I got another one the the police will be on his door step and I have heard not a peep since, so I am not worried at the least.

  3. NOT HIS MOMMA!! LOLOLOLO but seriously... that's a lil too little and too late.. that might not be the right phase but you know how I do lol I hope thats the last of this issue!!*BACK TO READING!*
