Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Moment....

Once in a while during the hormonal time of the month I'm easily irritated and generally feel as though I was body slammed. I can say I was doing pretty good today considering I was working from home and getting things at home and at work done all the while feeling like Granma after haven gotten run over by a reindeer.

So I took it upon myself to respond to an email that I got from my aunt about Thanksgiving dinner; I let her know I was going to bring the green beans and drinks. I replied to all so folks will know that slot was taken and to pick something else. My other aunt (please remember from here on out that I do love her) responded, "please don't use any meat and season them really well".

I immediately had a flash back to the Sunday before last when said aunt called asking me what did I need for her to bring to my daughter's birthday party and I requested she bring a salad. Easy enough, right? Well I get a call a few hours before the party from said aunt asking me what stores were near me; the intention was to buy the salad up my way and make it at my house. Ok! No problem! So a few hours after the party started my cousin breezes in with a big ass bag of lettuce. I ask her, "what the hell is this?!" and she responds, "your salad". I'm all confused wondering how the hell a bag of lettuce equates to a full fledged salad. When my aunt gets here uber late as always I was like, "you're fired!" after apologies she said she would run to the store to get a tomato for the "salad". After being gone for almost an hour (they warned me about sending her to the store) she comes back with a tomato, cuts it up and dumps a can of waxed beans in it and calls it a salad.

Needless to say when I got her emailed response of "please don't use meat and season them really well" I was irritated and had to stop myself from responding to her like she was someone off the streets and not my aunt. But God is working on me with a lot of things and I know I couldn't tell her that if that is how she wanted it then maybe she should make them herself or being like awwww change of plans I'm not coming I'm going to stay home and eat my meat loaded, under seasoned green beans at home or make them loaded with meat and under seasoned and just let her know I didn't get the message...there are so many places I could have taken it but I decided to politely inform her that I don't use meat for taste. O:-)

Yep that took all my energy and yes I was hella irritated but I suppose that was the "adult" thing to do, opposed to truly having a nigga moment...though the nigga moment can be fun but being an adult is more respectable, so I've heard.

I'm done, tired and maybe I will blog tomorrow....only God knows.

1 comment:

  1. I am working on that too 1. not everythign needs a reply 2. knowing how to say it and not really go off! That was good lol Have a Happy Turkey day!
