Friday, April 16, 2010

Such Is Life...

Sicily, 1989 it was... LOL! I love Sophia from the Golden Girls she always started a story off right.

Any way, I guess I am a little sullen today actually I have been like this since Wednesday...I met this man at my job who is a computer tech assigned to my floor. Apparently he was tasked with trouble shooting the bad batch of computers Dell had sent everyone on my floor and had to go around to look at every one's laptops.

When I finally got back from my stint in Aberdeen (it is a whole different world up there) he came to look at my lap top. I threw him my smile :), told him what was wrong with my computer and gave it to him. He brought it back to me with every thing on the screen big and I mean REAL BIG, which required me to call him back to come fix it (think he did that on purpose). That day we began talking to each other via IM and we realized we went to tech school together. What a small world!

We have been talking for the last three week and can I say it is nice to talk to some one that can actually hold a conversation?? Yes it is. So after a phone conversation that lasted until 6 AM the following morning, which by the way got me beat up by a hungry 4 year old with a cereal box 2 hours later,we decided to go out on a few dates and see what happens. We talked all morning on Monday and I snuck over to his cube to talk to him face to face, he walked me to my car and stole 2 kisses (ok so the second kiss was not a stolen one). I was excited (even more after that kiss. LOL!), this is the first time I have met a male version of me and I was looking forward to our date on Saturday and getting to know him over all. Yes, I said "was" because there will be do damn date on Saturday as our company will be sending him to Germany Saturday afternoon for a 3 month assignment.

I am happy for him as I know this opportunity will open many doors for him in his career. *throws confetti* But dammit JIM, I am disappointed on the other end of the spectrum too. This isht SUCKS! This is the only place I can thoroughly show my disappointment because as far as he is concerned I have already put him on the plane with a list of things to send me from Germany.

So right now it leaves me at a cross road, do I move on to the next in my hope to hook up with that one (be of the mind set if I am available when he gets back good , if not oh well)? Or, I put myself on ice for 3 months (try to keep in touch ) and attempt to pick up where we left off when he gets back from Germany?

I know such is life but still... UGH!


  1. Put yourself on ice..what do you really have to lose?

    Or, put it on him something fierce before he goes, and hope it lasts...

  2. Rashad, you know I seriously considered the latter. LOL!

  3. Well he sounds niceeeeeee!!! What is he saying about things? I mean if there is no "relationship" you are open to date others and really 3 months is not a long time at all esp'ly with computers and texting etc.!!! Lawd you and that damn freezer! lol

  4. LOL@ Cylia. He has not said much of anything and that is fine. I happened to catch him online today and asked him a work related question. I tired to leave it at that but he carried on conversation then said he would call me later on...I am not going to sit around and wait for the call; on the next.
