Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oooo I Think He Like Me... Or Is He Stalking Me???

So, I met this guy last year, online no less... I really need to stop giving online men the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, on Valentine's Day we ended up going out on a date, our first date. It was nothing romantic or spectacular, we went to play pool. I whipped his butt...we had a few drinks the end or so I thought. After he dropped me off he called me and we talked for hours. Since then we have spoken almost everyday for hours. Through our conversations I realized that he and I don't want the same things, nor do we have the same out look on a lot of key things, yet he was trying to push our situation down a path that he expressed he was not ready to go down. Dude, if you are not ready to go then why bother??

The more we spoke to each other the more I began to feel that he would not be able to contribute anything significant to my life and that basically there was no sense of us speaking because it was not going any where and plus talking to him leaves me drained and with a big ass migraine. The first time I told him that I think we should just cut it short and stop communication with one another, his ass argued me down. He really acted like we were on the debate team and his ass has prepared for this days in advance. He kept on bringing up points as to why we should not stop our communication with one another and he felt I should in turn give him what he felt was a valid reason why we should no longer speak. Can we start with you are a dumb ass? Opps, sorry that slipped.

He had asked me out to dinner and I told him that I couldn't and the only weekend I had free was to be my weekend of solitude and I had planned on being out of pocket on that weekend. During my weekend of solitude he blew my phone up with calls and text messages, asking me where I was. I figured from then on I would ignore him then maybe he would get the hint and go away. Not. Dude took it to face book. He wrote on my face book page that he was about to put out an APB and wanted to know where have I been. A few days later he IMs me through face book asking me, where have I been. A couple of more text messages and phone calls later he calls me tonight and leaves me a message. He is SINGING on my voice mail! Imagine cat in a bag getting beat with a stick, then dipped in ice cold water and thrown down a flight of stairs type singing. All I could think was Why me LORD?! WHYYYYYY?!

It feels like no matter what I do I can't get rid of him...So what is the line between really liking someone and being a stalker???


  1. I've had a bonafide stalker before and I just ignored her ass. It may be annoying at first, but after awhile, they will get the picture.

  2. Good thing I read this, I was actually considering have the I don't want to talk to you any more talk with him again and stand form on it.
