Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday Night Ramblings...

It is so funny the steps I take to get to my blog. I always seem to go to my friend Rashad's page first then link to my blog from there. It is a very bad habit that I have developed and I am beginning to feel as though I must stop... well going that route does ensure that I stop and read his recent entries so maybe it is a practice I shall continue to do.


Through the midst of the PMS and sinus issues the only thing that seems to brighten my day/night are the little conversations that Prodigal and I seem to have. It amazes me how some one can know me so well to the point where they can say what I am thinking right before I even open my mouth to speak. One thing I can say about him, unlike some others he does not bother me with petty, theatrical, unnecessary, insignificant, wenis like bitchtastic bull shit... most times it is nothing but laughs. Then there are the sad times when we walk down the rough times of our past together and I feel my anger begin to boil. Not sure how I am going to let go of the anger or if I can let go of the anger, but keeping an open mind is going to require for me to do so. See this shit sucks.

Can't I just send him kisses yet throw darts at a poster board picture of him until I no longer feel anger inside?? I know he has apologised profusely but a person can only apologise but so much so I guess everything else is up to me.

Though it looks like I have some work to do I can't really concentrate on that now. I am putting my focus into finishing school up this summer and getting these last two things out of the way so I can move. Maybe as all those things begin to fall off of my to do list and of course once her is officially back here in the area then I can give slight thought to working on letting the anger go.

Mmmmm.... if he offers for me to punch him to make me feel better should I take him up on it??? LOL! Ok, just me being evil.


  1. I believe the proper spelling is "weenis"...you want to emphasize the "wee" part of the penis.

  2. First off I am mad you went the anonymous route. LOL! Secondly, if I were referring to his penis then I would need more than two Es.

    The point is, if you want to be theatrical then go find a on stage play to act in, don't come bringing that isht to me.

  3. Come on Miss Lady, you can't attempt to put someone in their place and then say "ish"..say that shit man

  4. Rashad, I wrote that comment while I was at work. I try not to be writing out key words that could get picked up by our lil monitoring system. Sorry for the dissappointment. I promise I will do better next time. LOL!
