Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Death of A Friendship, Relationship, Whatever It Was...

I have finally come to this time where I can set my feelings for you aside. I had to take the rose colored glasses off and realize that though you said you cared for me it was a lie that even a demon in training could be proud of. Yeah I know we have been down this road before and as always you showed how much of an ass hole you really are. The first time I had to put it on you because you were not only an ass but you were wrong though you won't admit...it is all good it is ok because our "situation" ended long before today.

See I was allowing my feelings, my love for you to keep me in a place I should not have been. I was not satisfied in ANYWAY, you came up short all the time always left wanting more just simply because I was so unsatified. The lies and games you have played made me wonder was a woman behind all of your antics because they came off rather bitchtastic. None the less it is all good... I began to realize that you cared for me none, love me? Definitely not. I guess the icing on the cake was that you took my money not once but twice, said nothing in defense and tried to hide it among ther things. Seriously it did not take all that, all you had to say was this "situation" is clearly not working and maybe a seperation is what is needed; then the search would have been on and I would have gladly thrown the peace sign and moved on.

But no, that would be to easy for you, you had to pick a fight on purpose so I would do what you were entirely to cowardly to do yourself. But how could you not see it coming? You noticed I was gradually pulling away, emails and phones calling being met with short and curt responses. I was to my point. I was over it, I was over you.

None the less there is always something better. Something stronger more stable that can provide all I need and allow for me to sleep at night with ease knowing that I can entrust them with my prized possesion.......

Yep! Wachovia we are through. Would like to say nice banking with you but it wasn't...Mhm, I suppose this "situation" can be applied to other situations.:)


  1. ROFLMBAO! I hate you! I could have sworn you were talking about you know who. LOL!

  2. You know who??? Oh, ok gotcha. No vale la pena!
