Thursday, September 24, 2009

Come On Friday...

I see my impatience is rearing its ugly head but I need for tomorrow to come on. Not only is it payday but it is the weekend. I can sleep in on Saturday before I get up and go frolicking around the city ;-) or if I so choose I can lay around all day long and do nothing; the possibilities are endless.

Anyway, either old age is really starting to catch up with me or I am not taking very good care of myself or other undesirable ailments could be brewing that I prefer not to have at this stage in my life, what ever it is I am straight sick.I have finally gotten the migraines under control but my stomach will not settle down for anything and quite frankly I becoming rather annoyed. I keep on saying that I am going to the doctor but truth be told I really don't like her, I just don't and I don't want her to touch me so I suppose I have a problem here. Ok, so I might be a little hard headed, stubborn or what ever but I am going to try to calm my stomach the old fashion way; ginger ale, peppermint tea, crackers, and ginger snaps. I am so hungry but I am so scared to eat any kind of real food. Hopefully I will be good by the weekend because...hmmm... just because. *giggles*

*Praying this soup does the trick

Oh and am I the only one having issue getting into GChat? I thrive on GChat that is how my girlfriend and I stay connected during the day. I suppose you really don't realize how much you use, or rely on something until it is unavailable to you because right now I am about to start having withdrawal symptoms if they don't hurry up and fix this.

1 comment:

  1. I think Muammer Qadafi took over gchat yesterday, and wreaked havoc with it
