Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Evening Ramblings...

Before I start incoherently rambling let me say, thank you to all who helped in what ever way (even if it was praying for a miracle) in regards to my getting my paper done. Rashad the outline was my saving grace thanks for the advice. Needless to say I got the paper finished and turned in. We have have a group debriefing to turn in this week and then I will have officially written the last sentance of this chapter.

Since the task of this paper has been weighing on me I have been suffering from severe migrane headaches. I know one day I had one so bad I wanted to sit in a dark silent room, with sun glasses on and close my eyes until the pain went away. The excedrin let me down it was not working, my sister had to give me a perscription strength some thing or another. The something or another worked but I could not sleep hours after I had taken it. Now that the paper is completed and turned in one would think the migranes would have gone away, not. Still having them but not as bad. I suppose I will go and see the doctor... I swear if she says something to the effect of if you loose weight then they will go away then I just might snap... yeah just tune into CNN for the latest news on that because I don't want to hear that shit.

Moving on...

Are insitutions of higher education really suffering due to the economy? I had submitted a request form for more information about a Organizational Leadership/Organizational Management Masters program. Within 24 hours of having submitted the request I received a phone call followed up by an email. I responded to the gentleman's email, he then follows the email up with a phone call telling me I have too many questions and I need to call him to talk. Well alrighty then. So I call him and spent some time on the phone and he was pressing me to start this program in a month. I told him, no. I need a break to enjoy not having to log into class or do any school work and I told him I would apply for Spring semester.

This dude is hard of hearing because he presses and tells me that if I just get him the application he can hold me a spot; I have to write a four page personal statement, yada, yada stop it. I am sitting here agonizing over my 15-20 page final paper and you are trying to talk to me about writing a four page personal statement? Seriously dude? Really? Are you kidding? What ever! Since a few weeks ago he has called me everyday. He is beginning to make me regret requesting additional info. Actually he is walking that thin line of being a pesty salesman and being a stalker. They seriously can't be in need of my enrollement that bad.

What does it mean when you leave the building that you work in at the end of the day and you feel a sense of freedom? I don't mean any kind of freedom but an inmate being released from prison type freedom. I suppose I am having an I really don't like my job moment today. Or, maybe I really just want to do something different so bad that the only thing that keeps the boredom from getting to me is how hard it is to get a job once you lose one. Yeah ok, we can go the I am greatful for having a job moment... I need to set up a co worker excahange. I switch one of mine for one of yours and there is no changing your mind once the switch is made. *evil laughter*

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