Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writer's Block?? Or Sheer Laziness? Just Don't Want To Do It?

I have been trying to write my final paper (research paper) for the last two weeks and with said paper due the end of this week. So far I have the cover page, the executive summary and half of the introduction page written; 15-20 pages required and only 1 1/2 done so I have another 14 1/2 pages to write and I don't know where to go with it. I can't decide on how I am going to build it. I don't know if it is a case of writer's block or a case of I don't want to do this shit.

I keep on telling myself just write the damn paper, double check to make sure that if I used information from other sources that these people get their kudos and call it done. But I can't move on...gawd paper writing has been this way since I had " The Task Master" aka "The Dream Crusher" for sophomore English. I have been jacked up mentally when it comes to writing task such as this.

Now this type of writing (blogging) is easy because I can say how I feel, say what I feel and don't give a damn who likes it... ok I care slightly, a lil... I suppose a significant amount. But still some times the words just flow and I wish they would unclog out of the bottle neck and flow in efforts to finish this freakin paper. Just Ugh! Can I get a life line? Words of wisdom? Encouragement? A hug? Something?

1 comment:

  1. I find sometimes that writing out an outline of what I plan to say helps get the juices flowing...
