Monday, October 19, 2009


I was scrolling through my email box reading emails, thinking how I need to start cleaning out my email box then I thought of the special folder that I created especially for ABB's emails. I did not keep the emails as back up or proof to dispel anything he said (as I have been accused of *roll eyes*), I kept them because they were near to me in some sort of way and there were some sweet and what I thought to be genuine things that he had said to be via email conversation, also some of his poems were wonderful and managed to place a smile on my face at the moments when I needed something to smile about.

I figured it was time to let go of those little mementos and set my fond memories of our tine together (Shirlington) :) aside and finish moving on completely. When I went to delete the emails it read "1537 deleting". Damn, I thought 1537 emails? What the hell were we talking about?? LOL! There were arguments, debates, general conversation, poems and plans to get together all in that 1537. Since my phone crashed his number is gone, his emails are deleted and I have no way of reaching out to him even if I wanted to; right now I wonder will he ever leave my mind completely? Mhm, maybe, hopefully so...

Why does it seems like the more I go through and the older I get the less painful certain things in life are to me?


  1. Good! I don't want to hear no more about that damn ABB. Glad his ass is gone...b!tch niggas never prosper!

    Now, I do expect to hear more about this "Him" person you sneaked in your last start writing. Mmmmmkay?! Thanks!

  2. Well damn, tell me how you really feel about ABB...LOL!

    I won't be writing much of anything about "Him" if I write anything at all. For some reason I am feeling rather protective about my relationship with "Him" and I really don't feel as though I want to write to much/or anything about "Him" and our relationship as of yet. But if this is who I think it is; IM, call, text me or FB message me and I will keep you updated. ;-)
