Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Haps!

There has been plenty going on with me for the last few weeks and I have so many blog entries to write but I just really have not felt like it. Does that ever happen to you? You have something to write but don't really feel like writing it? Ok anyway, I am moving this week. I am some what excited but for the most part I am anxious to get it done already. I hate being in a state of limbo when it comes to the major things in life (home, finance, relationship and health) but I suppose I can hold on for a day or two.

I can say that looking back over my life I am in a state of pure happiness and really feeling like I am coming into my true self. I am not sure if it is personal growth or old age but I am finding that I grow more and more less phased by the little things and some big things in life; which has left me feeling foot loose and fancy free.

Speaking of free, I am leaning more towards cutting the relaxer out of my hair with each passing day ( I have about 3 inches of new growth). I think I have come up on the island of I don't care and I am about to make a spot on I will deal with what lies underneath cove.:)We will see what the results are after my meeting with my line sister (who is a hair stylist) on Thursday. Job promotion, new home, new do??? Sounds good to me.

Moving along...

I called myself going on a Face Book fast until after I moved. I felt it would free up more time to pray, reflect and really seek after God; I have been doing all that for the most part.I have also stopped doing a few other things that usurp a lot of time as well. What I learned from all of this so far is, I have PLENTY of down time at work. LOL! I think it also fueled the fire that is my You Tube addiction. I have been spending more time than usual on You Tube looking at natural hair care and make up tutorials, along with playing with my hair (my hair is new to me). But no lie I do miss Face Book. I miss it! The first two days were horrible I was literally at my desk shaking from withdrawal and I HAD to pray just to make it through the day and the night. In writing this I am like OMG how can something so simple as Face Book become such an addiction?? It's the games... those games will hook and sink you.

Tech...he and I have been talking as often as we can considering the time difference (he's in the Netherlands now) he guaranteed me that he was coming home next month and has actually began the process of looking for an apartment. Even though it feels like the "process" has been placed on hold for us, I am thankful that things have gone the way they did. I kind of feel that if he were here all this time then I would not be as focused on the things that I need to focus on for trying to put my time and energy in developing something with him. With him being over seas I have been in a totally different mind set, along with us having to communicate via Skype whenever we can so I guess that has put me in a good place. Tech on the other hand...I get the impression that he is full throttle and ready to see if this is going to work out between us...poor thing can't wait to get home. :-) LOL! None the less this period has been good for us because we have been able to really get to know how the other really is (some what) with out the pressure and label that comes with dating and being in a relationship.

Ok, I will be back with more entries. I have a few products to talk about and I have an interesting discussion topic so stay tuned.

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