Tuesday, February 5, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 3- Describe Your Relationship With Your Parents

Shit...my relationship with my parents? *long silence* Hmmm...ok I have spent thousands of dollars and a lot of time in therapy to work through my issues with the parental units (and my child hood overall). In being a parent myself along with getting older I realized that a relationship with ones parents is forever changing. The type of parent a person needs at 16, 20, 25 and 30 changes as that child begins to grow personally and becomes more of an independent, responsible adult.

In short, I would say that the relationship with my parents is a good one. I know it could be better with my Mom at least, which is something I work on. I'm a Daddy's girl (I'm spoiled) so things are always cool with Dad...I should say for the most part they are cool. LOL! Some times Dad tends to ask too many evasive questions for my liking, but I understand that is his job as a parent. None the less as they get older I grow more concerned about their health and happiness more than ever before. I find that I am doing all the worrying and checking to see if they are ok while they are straight chillin and living life...it is kind of like the tables are beginning to turn and the child is slowly starting to become more of the parent so to speak.

This is all you all are going to get out of me on this subject. Peace, blessings and much love.

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