Wednesday, February 6, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 4- 10 Things You Would Tell Your 16 Year Old Self

Oooooooo I get to save myself from all the mistakes, heart ache and pain? Welllll alrighty then! Let's go!

1. When you turn 17 (a year from now) DO NOT take those 26 Benedryl fast acting capsules. The near death experience is not worth what drove you to go off the deep end. You need to learn how to be strong and start praying through things. Start asking for professional help now! Trust me there are many, many, many more darker, pitch black days to come and none of those days are worth the life you have. Joy does come in the morning, press to wake up and find the joy.

2. Take the extra science, math and Spanish classes Baby Girl. Take the SAT, go to Temple University as planned and don't...I'm telling you don't take Pre Pharmacy or Psychology. Become a business major and go into HR. Trust me you will encounter more than your share of crazy and mentally disturbed people than you care to encounter just from working in HR. If you really can't swing school "be all you can be" and go into the Army now, not later (trust me you don't want to go later...TRUST ME!) Oh and you might want to start putting plans in place for an "app" called Instagram. What?! I'm trying to help me out! LOL! *looks from side to side*

3. Don't allow for fear or supposed love to keep you stuck here. Yes "he" loves you BUT his "epiphany" will not last long. There will be more fights, more bruises, and you will sacrifice for him only to get the short end of the stick in the end. He will hurt you to your core. Stick to the plan that includes you and you only.

4. Watch who makes your drink. Watch them as they make your drink. Don't accept a drink from someone you are not familiar with. If you set your drink down and take your eye off of it don't even think about drinking from that cup again.

5. Watch who you call "friend" not everyone is your friend and not every one has your back.

6. Don't ever be cool with being left alone with a strange dude that you are not familiar with and/or never met. Don't get sassy with said unfamiliar strange dudes and don't allow for yourself to be lured. Matter of fact when your friends roll you just stick to them like white on rice and roll with them.

7. Despite what you were told as a kid you are smart, beautiful, and worthy of all the love in the world. You have the greatest, sweetest spirit and you will always strive to be a genuine, yet awesome person. Learn this, know it and own it. People and life will test your knowledge of this heavily.

8. It is ok to be alone. There is nothing wrong with being with out a man. Nothing at all. You may find that it makes life easier sometimes.

9. Finish up your Cosmetology exam and don't stop until you pass it before you go off to school. It is priceless and will serve you well later in life.

10. Through anything you go through or no matter how alone you may feel, just know that God is always with you and God is the only one you can always go to and rely on.

This makes me wish I had a time machine.

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