Friday, July 16, 2010

I Hate You Biotch!!!!

I know hate is a very strong word and normally I stay in a state of indifference with a lot of things. But this one thing I have to come out the box on...Insomnia is a bitch and this bitch I hate.

This trick thinks this shit is a joke when I have to wake up early and go to work the next morning. Every night you come fucking with me preventing me from falling asleep, leaving me tossing, turning, up on the computer writing blog entries and playing on Face Book and shit. Or you pull the shit that you pulled last night; I fall asleep at 9PM so easily and peacefully and then here you come with your ignorant ass waking me up at midnight. Midnight? Seriously? Really? I did not get back to sleep until 4 AM and I had to wake up two hours later. This is some bolgerdash for real. Why couldn't you have come and awaken me at 5 AM instead of midnight? That way at least I could have been some what well rested and have gotten to work an hour early. I guess that is too much like right!

I so wish you were a real physical entity that I can punch, jab and upper cut. I am tired I want to sleep peacefully but you Insomnia, your ass won't let me. As it approaches 1 AM I suppose I will lay here in the dark silence of my room until you decide when you will allow for me to drift off to sleep, heffa. Go kick rocks!


1 comment:

  1. I've said this before, but its worth repeating. A morning workout, a full day of work, and then a night time glass of wine, will knock you the f**k out.. Try it out buddy!
