Monday, October 20, 2008

Allllll Discombobulate

My phone rang for the fifty millionth time this afternoon and just when I thought it was another anxious candidate calling to find out if there is anything else they need to do before they can start work, it turned out to be the sexiest voice I had ever HEARD!

I damn near fell out of my chair. Since this call was work related I could not flirt and he was trying to keep things as professional as possible. We resolved one issue then I asked him to correct a mistake I made (Sweetly asked for a favor). I was rather thankful when he resolved that issue but when he said, "Yeah that's why they call me Mr. Magic Fingers" I had to wrap the call up because I was feeling light headed and could not think nor breath. At this moment I am rather discombobulated.... I can't think straight. LOL!

And to think this man and I have been scrapping via work email for months... maybe he had it with me and figured he would call to get an explanation. Oh well none the less he made my day... I can't breath.


Parts of my weekend were ok. I got dragged into some home drama and I found out who really has my back this weekend (thanks for being there guys). I made the decision to move out of my Dad's home sooner than later. So, let the apartment hunting begin. Hopefully this will not be a painful experience and I will be writing blogs about how I hate the art of moving come January (or sooner).


  1. Our main office is in Atlanta so I get lots of calls from women with southern accents... my favorite.

    Good luck with the apartment hunting.

  2. Thanks Jazz Brew. I need all the luck I can get right now... it is hard trying to find a descent area to live in with out having to sell a vital organ just to make rent.
