Thursday, August 27, 2009

Exercise Calls

Monday I will be dragging my butt back to the gym. I was driving home from work today thinking about the promise I had made to myself to get back into the gym and as my mind began to waiver the phone rang. It was the trainer that I had mentioned in a few entries...yeah the one who had asked me out on a date. He was just calling to see if I was ok because I had not been in the gym in two weeks. I let him know that I was fine and that I had planned on coming back in on Monday to get my exercise regimen started again. He was sweet and told me that he was not going to be ok until he knew for certain all was well with me. He said that he felt as though he had gained some cool point with me by calling to check on me, mhm.NO. Call me cynical but all I could think is damn, some dudes will go all out just to get some.

He seems to be a nice man but from having spoken to him I know it would not be a good fit for me (so many reasons to list) we are like night and I am dating ABB, again and I am one that is not able to date more than one person at a time...I know folks say that is how dating should be but I think I have stated some where in this here blog that I am not cut out for dating people, especially dating multiple people at the same time. I am cut out for a long term relationship...seeing and spending time with the same person for an extended period of time... ok so you all get it. But ummm yeah can't entertain more than one man at a time, it to much work and I quite frankly don't have that kind of time.

Any way, I found a house to rent and have been speaking with the owner extensively. The owner seems to be nice and very desperate to rent the house because she is paying mortgage on two houses but how about the Realtor has not been trying to call me back and schedule a viewing of the house? I know this last go round may have been me because I have been busy mixed with a little stalling but still, do your job dude. Though the area is going to put me a little further out it seems like an area I would feel comfortable residing in for the next two years. In the mean time I am still look at other areas to live. I hate the process of moving from beginning to end. It sucks.

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