Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Getting Antsy and Just Plain Ole Restless

Gawd, I so hate when I have a whole blog of thoughts in my head and as soon as I log into type them out they are gone... that sucks.

There are some people who simply don't care for change and they are rather content with life being the same day in and day out, there are people who need a change on a consistent basis in order to evade the feeling of restlessness and then there is me; some one who needs to see small patterns of change and newness in order to not feel restless, but...

I have an over whelming feeling to leave this fine state that I was raise in from the tender age of 2...lol. Looking at my situation it may seem that I am in the perfect position to pack up and leave but I am not as there are two things that keep me here fidgeting around until I can be able to go where I want to. Even with those two reason having been my anchor for years I am beginning to feel it losing its grip on me as I look farther and farther out for a new place to move to. It's like a chain reaction... I find a nice place, notice it is in a different state than I reside then I start looking at the job market in said different state. Once I realize what I am doing I snap back to what is my reality and suppress the growing feeling of restlessness that is welling up inside of me to just bounce.

I can't blame this on my trip to Atlanta and not wanting to leave Atlanta (I could have used another day or two) because I have been feeling this way for a while. Some times I wake in the morning racking my brain for a list of things that are left for me here... the list is getting shorter and shorter as the months go by. School is done...no need to stay, I still live with my Dad no obligations to a lender or landlord...no need to stay, I need a change in job duties and this bad boy transfers...no need to stay, No stable long term relationship with any one...no need to stay...

Yes, yes if I wanted I could go on and on and on about why not to stay but hell I won't. Hopefully, something in addition to what is currently holding me here will come along to quite my restless spirit and keep me from feeling as though I need to venture out to obtain God know what at this point. I suppose I will sit back, wait and see; none the less I hate when I start to feel restless. I so need a change.

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