Monday, May 25, 2009

Out Of The Blue...

Out of the blue yesterday evening I began to receive these text messages from a number unfamiliar to me. I immediately asked the person who they were and low and behold it was my ex, who I have written about on this here blog and will call the Anita Baker Bandit. LOL!

I just don't have a full understanding as to why a man comes out of the dark corners of the world to express wanting to make things work, get back together and/or professing love. It is a weird feeling and all I can wonder is how bored can this person be to want to reach out to me with more than just friendship in mind? I mean really it never worked before so why throw yourself out there now?? Me thinks there is something in the milk. I suppose my real question is, what do you reaallly want? This question is just not to him but it goes out to DA, Prodigal and any other man that I have friendship with and/or previously have dated. In a way it always seems like there is some underlying motive in it all and quite frankly I have so much on my plate right now that I cannot deal with it and don't particularly want to.

Don't take the following sentiment as my being some one that is avoiding a relationship but, as time goes on, the more shit that comes my way and the more bull shit these dudes spew out of their mouths in the name of "love"; the more and more appealing the option to spend the rest of my life alone becomes. Nothing better than to have to deal with me, myself and I, right?

I just wish I knew why I always attract men who don't have the best of intentions towards me??


Last night I spoke to my line sister who shook me out of my birthday funk that I was in. She and I so happen to share the same birthday and she told me that she was having an, I did not imagine my life to be this way reflection last week, complete with sobbing (I refuse to sob...LOL). Anyway she reminded me of a few things and ultimately in the end God is good. I am looking forward to a move in August, among other things. I am praying on it and claiming it because I have to get out of here. I think I might actually celebrate my day tomorrow with the most decadent and fattening cupcake I can find in the DC Metro area.:)

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