Thursday, May 14, 2009


Yes, I am literally in the laundromat...blogging. I figured I would come in and dust this thing off with some random shit tonight.

First up, I have realized that being with certain people ruins shit that one used to like for every time you hear a song, smell a certain scent you have these bad memories and awful feelings that follow behind.

For instance when Mickey and I were dating this time last year I had planned a nice date for the two of us to include seeing Anita Baker live. I bought the tickets and told him well in advance to save the date. In the end the nigga stood me up and before it was really clear he was standing me up he went back and forth with being indecisive about whether wanting to go or not. After that it was some time before I heard from him again and he came to me with the excuse that he needed time to deal with what he was feeling for me. *sigh* the only thing he had for me was a lil lust but any way to this day if I hear an Anita Baker song I will change the station and now they are adverising her being in DC to perform and I get sick to my stomach every time I hear the ad. Ok let me move on as I have devoted entirely to much time to him. Hopefully one day I can listen to Anita with out feeling the urge to wretch.

So, I get to the school to pick up my child only to find she had been injured in an altercation, again. I question if she defends herself at all the time and the teachers heavily attest to the fact that she does; hell I can't tell.I just don't understand, I would not let kids run me like that when I was a kid.I whipped their asses and promptly told them to call my mother when I got caught. Yes, as a child I was a far cry from the classy sophisticate you read about today. LOL! I see right now that need to teach her defensive moves and let her know it is ok to push some one off of you if they are on you.

Lawd why is she in the laudromat entertaining this bad ass lil boy who is pointing a toy gun at her and pretending to shoot her with it? Every time I give him the "I will whip your lil ass look" he walks away and then comes back with that nonsense after a few minutes. I need to have a more thorough talk with my child before I leave this here laundromat because that shit is unacceptable.

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