Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Winter Blues...

I really think I need to invest in a Sun lamp. I am beginning to feel the blues and I noticed my mood had taken a turn for the worse as the time shifted. When I leave home in the morning the sun is out shining bright but I spend all of 45 mins to an hour in the sun only to be chained to my desk all day long; by the time I leave work it is dark.

I noticed a shift in my mood the same time last year but I thought it was due to the fact that I felt trapped in a highly stressful job, where all of my hard work was unappreciated. Now that my job is not as stressful I get all the appreciation in the world, I am still feeling blue.

I need my sun, I need my vitamin D. I wonder if I took Vitamin D supplements would that make is so I won't have to spend the money on a Sun lamp???? Yeah, I am a thrifty person and that will save me from having to buy one for the office and home. :)

In addition, I have made an appointment to see a therapist, outside of the winter blues I realized that I have some thing I need to work through and I need to break out of some dysfunctional habits i.e. throwing myself into my work to avoid (insert what ever here). I have also found that I am a whole lot more angrier than usual. Normally I am not an angry person, I am rather slow to anger, but when I get to that point then it is like an outer body experience and I have no recollection of the things I do when I am in that state. I can feel myself welling up to that point and I need to nip it in the bud before I snap.

... I make it a point to listen to gospel music while I am driving. That is my time to do my prayer, praise etc; plus it keeps me calm so normally I am oblivious to others driving around me. I know the other day some one jumped in front of me and then had nerve to slow down and drive at 30 miles per hour in a 40 zone... at that point I turned the Kirk Franklin down and I mean way down and snapped off... yeah, yeah I need to see some one regularly, anger management, something.


  1. It's called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and you are not alone...

  2. Thanks Jazzbrew. That explains a whole lot and I am just finding out that a bunch of my girlfriends friends are suffering as well.

    I hate feeling this way. :(
