Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Brighter Day...

I know there was much excitement in the air amongst many Americans yesterday as we took back our country by choosing a competent president to lead this country, but for some reason i was in a serious funk.

I am not quite sure if it was a combination of PMS, being on pain meds for my teeth, the nervousness of having to have all 4 teeth removed, and a whole host of other things I had going on but I wanted to literally cry out of sadness. The only time I seemed to have gotten a boost in my spirit was when I went to go vote.

I admit I felt as though having to find time with in my work day to go vote was more of a task than anything. As soon as I hit the polling place and saw there was no line, no wait my spirits began to lift, I felt my excitement grow as I was given my ballot card and I felt a rush of adrenaline as I made my selections and casted my final ballot.

Yet, the joy and excitement I felt was temporary and my feeling of sadness came back up on me again. I took a moment and prayed because I felt bad about not being as excited as the rest of the country that we were finally going to have someone in office that not only looked like me but most importantly would be affective in facilitating change with in this country and the world.

Anyway.. I got to my the watch party my girlfreind was throwing had a glass of wine and some food. I was good. My spirits immediately lifted as I saw Obama take the electoral votes like it was no body's business. I knew I was not going to feel like it was a done deal until McCain made his concession speech and I was quite proud of him for doing it early. Yeah, I said I was proud of McCain he could have challenged the out come in those states that we really really tight but he didn't.

I know some people cried and boo hooed all through out the night I found myself being in such a state of excitement that I could not get to sleep despite the fact that I had to go to work the next day.

In the end this all leaves me with one question, why is election day NOT a Federal holiday?

Considering the fact that Repubs. complain about the unfairness of early voting if you make it a holiday then every one will have ample time and opportunity to go out and vote. Hey, just a thought.

Yesterday the clouds and the rains came, today I woke up this morning to a slightly warm sunny day... must be ominous of the brighter days to come. Congratulation President Barack Obama, I simply can't wait to see what type of change is going to come.


  1. Election day must absolutely become a holiday. My wait to vote was nearly 3 hours and it was 4-5 hours for others who arrived earlier. I was lucky in that I took the day off. I wonder how many votes were lost because folks could not spend half the day waiting to cast their ballot...

  2. Yep! I heard thet tried to turn some people away due to the polls closing after they had stood in line for hours waiting to vote. So, making election day a holiday would most certainly help.

    None the less I am please with the voter turn out and the overall out come... see what we can do in numbers?
