Monday, September 15, 2008

Days Just Run Together...

I am not even in the "awww it's Monday already" mode. My days are beginning to feel as though they are running together more so than ever. Some days I look up and I have to remind myself which day of the week it is. If it was not for the fact that I put all of my appointments in my blackberry and enter meetings and such in my work calender then I would be toast.


Last night my cousin and her boyfriend announced their engagement. It was such a cute and touching moment. I remember when I used to change her diapers.:) My family took the opportunity to make comments on my absence and some attempted to catch up on the goings on in my life, which is not much of anything.

I was not going to even begin to explain to them the whole concept behind the valley moment. They would not get it nor would it go over well. All I could do was let them know if they need me for anything then I am a phone call away and a full tank of gas I will always have to get to who ever needs me. But for now it seems as though God wants me to himself and he want me to focus on four key areas in my life and for once I am going to be obedient to that... just tired of ending up in the same place no matter what I do, so I can't go wrong following God.

I am enjoying a week off from my girlfriend's self reflection assignments. I have often considered going back to see a therapist to work through some past issues in regards to my parents (or their lack of parenting) but with her and her assignments I think that is therapy enough. I am sure once she gets back from her vacation we will be delving deeper into our selves. LOL! Oh wow, I can't wait.

Anyway, yes there is drama in the work place as always. Hey there is never a dull moment doing what I do. Gotta love life as an HR Professional, BUT it is not phasing me in the slightest. I do my work, do it well, keep all documentation, go home and sleep rather well at night. So no worries over here.

Maybe tomorrow's blog will be more interesting.

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