It is so weird to go from having thoughts that run one after another, to thinking about and trying to remember the fifty million things I have to do, to just being in a state of pure silence with zero thoughts running through my head. I feel like I am about to go crazy, like I am getting bored and need something to fill my time until school starts back up and the sorority year gets back into full swing (I won't be too active this service year).
Anyway, one of my many pregnant cousins had her baby yesterday. he was so cute, it all took me back to when my children were born. I love me some babies. They are all soft, cute and cuddly. They smell so good and make the cutest noises. Over all I love kids period, I can say that parent hood has been the best part of my life hands down.
Though raising children is very challenging, often times tiring and frustrating it can be down right funny. Kids always say and do the darnedest things. I have always felt as though there is no true love until you experience the love that is between a child and parent. In some ways I really wish I had that type of relationship with my parents but in the end I am glad I have it with my children.
I wish 5 PM would hurry up and roll around so I can go pick my child up from school and take us home.
When I picked Lil bit up yesterday I took the liberty of checking out the shoes the other lil girls in her class were wearing and yes; they were wearing the "fun" shoes. So I figured I would break down and buy her a pair of "fun" shoes for her to specifically wear to school. She has also been begging for a pair of boots too, so I will see. Who knew girls started this early with wanting specific things and being fashionistas? I don't know maybe because in certain aspects of my life I am a late bloomer and just really starting to get into all this fashion stuff and make up.
At any rate I suppose I will allow her to enjoy the fashion freedom this year because once I enroll her in private school next year, all that wear what you want is a wrap. She will be in a uniform Monday thru Friday and I will be a happy mom. Shoot, it is school not a fashion show. <~~~ Wow, I really sounded like a Mom there. Lawd, Jesus help me??
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