Just a foreword, in no way am I saying one is better to have than the other. This is just an account from my experience of being a mother of twin boys and a girl...
With that my girl is much more work than my boys are and I have two of them at the same time. My boys have always been really laid back. Their need for my attention was not very great so long as they had their toys, snacks and juice. With in the recent years they have done the typical kid things; stealing and lying for which they were disciplined for, they understood their punishment and never did it again. Yes, they constantly fight however I nipped that in the bud by forcing them to hold hands. Ha, ha the fun part of parenting is that you can do things like that but I digress...
Now my daughter... she requires, no she demands every last bit of my attention. She is emotional and dramatic but she is very loving and caring little soul. She wants what she wants when she wants it.
For instance yesterday, I was taking her to McDonald's for her weekly happy meal. She decides when we get down the road that she does not want a happy meal, she wants Wendy's and felt that she should state that, which is fine. I am all for children expressing their opinions BUT that doesn't mean things are going your way. When I ask her if she has any money in her pockets as she is whining (more like screaming) for me to turn the other way in the direction of Wendy's she says, "no" and then I proceeded to give her two options, 1) you can take the happy meal that I treat you to once a week, orrrr 2) I can turn around, take you home and make you a PBJ sandwich (by law I am legally required to feed her food, not McDonald's exclusively). What is your pleasure my dear because I am not going to Wendy's. Well, she ate the happy meal with much thanks and appreciation.
Never had I ever had to go through that with the boys. Our conversations went like this...
G: Mommy, thank you for toting us back and forth to school everyday.
Me: Awww baby you are welcome.
J: Yeah Mommy, we love you.
Me: Mommy loves you both too.
G: Mom, you are looking real tired. Are you going to be up to cooking dinner tonight?
Me: Maybe, you might get sandwiches.
G: Well... we are passing McDonald's you can just stop and pick up dinner that way you don't even have to go into the kitchen and you can relax.
Me: Mmmmm, sounds like a plan
See?! Smooth! Had I said naw I will just cook he would have shrug his shoulders and said, "ok, cool" but I like his approach. LOL!
Somethings that will be the same across the board, they will get sick, throw up and possibly shit on you if not then in their beds, for quite a few years after they are successfully potty trained you will see skid marks in countless pairs of their under pants, among not really getting it no matter how much you talk to them about and show them how to wipe. Oh and how can I forget, there is a good chance you will not escape the first 4 years with out someone shitting or peeing on the floor or in the bath tub.
Ahhhhhhhhh, parenthood. Gotta love it! :)
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