Friday, August 8, 2008

Emotional Explosion...

I learned some thing about myself today, that with some people I have a tendency to set myself aside to make them feel comfortable and to hopefully bring them happiness, often times at my own expense. Then to top it off I repress my feelings about things or even sit back quietly when my feelings are dismissed when I do express them and then that stuff festers...

Today I had reached my limit and I let out all that I was feeling, every bit of anger, resentment and hurt that I have incurred with in a particular situation came flowing out. Did it come out in a tactful manner (like I was trying to have it come out)? Nope sure did not. Do I feel bad? Hayle no I don't feel bad. I was stating how I feel in away so the person I stated it too could really have an appreciation for what I have been thinking and feeling for the past 3 months.

Granted in all likelihood they may not take it in the manner I expect for them to but the most important thing is, I got it out and I feel better. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...

I know now that I need to work on a medium between nice and keeping it way to real. I need to realize if the person really cares and loves me then they won't leave or be too too mad because I expressed the way that I felt.

I also realized that there are some people who care enough about others to really try to compromise so both people in the situation get what they want or at least make sure that both the people feel the way they should feel, then there are those who just don't give a damn just as long as everything is their way.

Mhm, life and bullshit, life and bullshit.


  1. Yeah... the emotional explosions usually feel really good to the person blowing up BUT they rarely fix the problem. In most cases the explosion causes the other person to become defensive and once that happens... stalemate. You'll feel better but you'll be right back in the same place in a few weeks (or the next day).

    Soooo... if you want to resolve the issue you'll have to attack it before it gets to that point. Know what I mean?

    Just my experience... I've been there so I feel you.

    Glad you feel better tho! :)

  2. Thanks! I feel much better... I had to get somethings off of my chest so to speak. As for the after math... I will cross that bridge when/if I get to it.

    Some times a response to such emotional explosions is no response at all.

  3. Ain't no feeling like feeling FREE...

  4. Ok, ok after listening to the song I do like it. I thought you were going to send me Soilder. LOL!
