Monday, August 11, 2008

Something New..

No, this is not going to be an entry about interracial dating... though I did tell myself that if things did not work out with the person I was seeing that is an option I would explore, yet and still I digress.


My girlfriends and I were having a conversation on our message board about learning new things. So as a way of holding one another accountable for the things we really wanted to try to get out and learn we decided make lists.

I had to take time to sit and think about what I really wanted to take a stab at learning because I have done so much with in my 31 years on this Earth.

Finally I figured that I would:

- Learn how to become a fashionista. My style in short is some what plain and I have entirely to many curves to be walking out the house looking plain Jane most times. Most times I can't put together an outfit with out consulting my LSN fashion team (Love ya ladies!).

- Though I can understand Spanish (I understand most languages... I want to know if you talkin about me) my conversational Spanish needs work. I also want to learn how to speak French as well.

- I love baking so I want to perfect that craft and increase my knowledge of cake making and decorating. I also want to learn how to make more pastries and desserts. At this moment I think I am going to start working on my rum soaked walnut fudge brownies.

- I want to learn how to play chess. All the folks who said they would sit down and teach me have yet to do so. I think I need to start a harassment list so I can get some cooperation and assistance.

- I want to learn more about art. Years ago I took an Eastern Asian art class... from what I remember I liked it and I have a some what old friend who has sparked my interest for the arts.

- I want to learn how to Hand Dance and Chicago Step.

- I want to learn how to sing better... yes I can sing (especially when I am in pain) but I have good moments and bad moments. I prefer all my moments to be good ones. :)

- I also want to learn more about Jazz. I took an Intro to Jazz class years ago thinking it was going to be one of those BS classes, not. My professor made me WORK for that A none the less I had fun, loved it and it sparked a serious interest I have yet to pursue further.

Dag so much to learn well I better get busy with it.

Tell me, what new thing (s) do you want to learn?


  1. Some of the items on your list would also be on mine (hand dancing, Spanish and chess). I have dabbled in all of them but I do not have a true understanding...

    The rest of my list would be:

    1) Learn to swim. Took lessons when I was a kid but never overcame my fear of water. I love looking at it but I don't go in too deep (if at all)

    2) Learn to fly and get a pilot's license. I love planes.

    3) Become a better musician (this is a never ending goal that I work on every day).

    I'm sure there is more but these are on the top of my list. I was happy to see "learn more about jazz" on your list. If you have any questions on that do not hesitate to hit me up.

  2. <-- Prosechild

    I would love to learn to fly, but I'm scared of heights! LOL! That's always cracked me up about myself.

    There are so many cultural things we'd all love to do, but don't find the time/money to do so...

  3. Hey Girlie! Thanks for coming by!

    Ummm yeah I am afriad of heights as well and have never in my life time flown on a plane.

    So, Jazzbrew you will be by yourself on that one. LOL!

    Just be careful man and don't be life JFK, Jr and crash you and your Boo into the water.

  4. Ha! I know my wife... no way she will fly with me. Especially if it's one of those small Cessna planes! Looks like I'll be rolling solo!

    Don't worry Miss Lady... careful is my middle name. I'll wave to you when I take off from Hyde Air Field.

  5. Oh you will definately be in my prayers as you take off. LOL!

  6. I like your list a lot! When are we gonna start checking some of thes off?! You know we got places to go soon!!! lol

  7. Thank you! Yeah, I went to our secret website and found some things but I am scared. :( LOL!

    Girl where are we hitting up first? The Chi? Or, N.O.?
