I have heard "I don't want to just be your friend" spoken to me many times and for the life of me I cannot understand the rhyme or reason behind it.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be with some one more than as a freind but my issue and more so confusion come in, when a man clearly is, 1) not ready or does not want the same things as I, 2) does nothing to show that he is really feeling all that he is saying and 3) just does not do anything to make a woman feel as though he really values her as more than a "servicer".
So when some one comes to me with I don't want to just be your friend I translate it into this...
I don't want to have a relationship (right now or possibly with you) and though I may value you as a person I don't value you that much to treat you like I care in the least therefore I am asking for you to choose. Either you stay and settle for the bones that I am throwing your way, be a servicer to me and you let me do what I do until I possibly get to the point of giving you what you really want or we no longer speak to one another at all.
Granted I could be wrong in my translation of things but I look at the big picture. The big picture being; how that person acts, his patterns with me and his character and if they are more in line with all of the above rather than the empty words coming out of his mouth. If I am wrong then please feel free to explain the concept behind not wanting to just be a friend? As always I am open to be enlightened by the point of view of others.
Real talk though if this is how the game is played then I rather not play at all. This is one of the many reasons why I have no issue with being alone or leaving a unhappy, unfufilling and one sided situation with out regret, what ifs, would ofs, should ofs, or could ofs.
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