Monday, August 11, 2008

Procrastination Strikes Again

Yes, yes, yeas, yessss. I am up at midnight not because I cannot sleep but because once again my ass was procrastination on school work, therefore I had to literally burn the midnight oil and get my work done and turned in before mid night.

I don't know what my issue is nor do I have a clue as to why I continue to push the things I can get done today off until tomorrow, to the next day, the day after that, the day after that day on up until hours before it needs to be done.

Maybe this is why I struggle in certain areas with in my life because I consistently put things off until the last minute. I sometimes don't say the things that I should really say because I put them off to avoid train wrecks, using my emotional explosion as a prime example things get messier and more hurtful than a dang on potential train wreck.

The older I get the worse my procrastination seems to get... I once found a twelve step program for procrastinators... yeah in fact it was Procrastinator's Anonymous (do they have an anonymous for everything??). I might have to revisit joining because putting things off is interfering with my sleep and the quality of my work among other things.

Ahhh hell now my adrinaline is still pumping from last minute school work I won't be falling off to sleep for a while.

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