Saturday, July 19, 2008


LMAO! I think I might have accidentally opened up a can of worms... how? Black Planet is how. I have had a profile on this monstrosity of a "networking" website since 2001. When I realized it was a place to go if you simply wanted to just get laid, I abandoned the website and have not visited since donkey was a boy, however my page still remains. Yes, I know for shame!

Every now and then I will get alerts for notes, page logs and occasional alerts letting me know my guest book was signed. From time to time I will log in to clear this stuff out, change my alert option for the fifty millionth and one time and then go on about my business only to forget about the sites existence until the next alert comes into my inbox.

Wellll the last time I logged into clear all of my notes a birthday alert for an old friend caught my eye, which sparked my curiosity to just look at his page and see how he has been doing all these years. You know? Secret Squirrel shit, or so I thought. Apparently BP has this new thing called a page log so, if I am logged in and visit some one's page then they can just go to their log and see that I was allll over their spot, this is exactly what this person did, in addition to following it up with a note.

The note is not the issue, the person who sent the note and the circumstance behind why I stopped speaking to him is the issue. The fact that he has never accepted my not wanting to move forth with a relationship, and has always been riddled with would of , should of, could ofs is the issue. Shoot, the fact that I choose not to hear explanation (for the millionth time!) about how he and I were in the midst of developing something, yet he and his best friend ended up having a threesome with an extremely close relative of mine is the issue.

LOL! "I didn't know it was her until the lights came on!" Ummmmm, yeah bruh you did because she told me everything.

It's all good... there are only two ways he can reach me and phone is not one of them. I know when/if I go "checking up" on folks I need to be more careful. However, this whole thing is sooooo funny.

My snahfoo for the year...

Hold up! How old am I? *Checking drivers license* yeah like I thought too old for this... I must delete that damn page.

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